Anime Info

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Kurapika is a GIRL?its TERRIBLE MISTAKEN!~

heh??....karryn makin lama aja ga posting lagi..>3<

hehe, gomenne, gimana ga , karryn udah sekolah lagi, jadi pikiran karryn musti dilurusin kesekolah dulu..^^;hehe

ta,, ta pi.. walau pun gitu, syukur nya karryn masih punya beberapa media yang buat karryn tetap gila ama jepang, salah satu nya grup illegal..(hehe,,ga ilegal amat sih,, cuman ga resmi aja^^;)GRUP PECINTA JEPANG PERTAMA DI KOTA KARRYN!!!! TOMODACHI~  yay!~(eheheh,,lebayy amat karryn)

jadi kenapa karryn mau posting post ini,, dan apa hubungan nya sama judul nya?=_=;??

ja jadii.. karena ini tahun ajaran  baru.. kami kepengen nayri anggota baru dari anak anak kelas satu yang baru masuk..>w<..cuman pas ngumpul ,, ada aja sesuatu yang membuat bahasan kami melenceng jadi kearah lain..

haha,, ini dia nama nya obrolan GAJE tapi,, yah SERU lah..^^
pertama tama, kami bingung gimana cara nya buat nunjukin ada nya komunitas tomodachi ini??
(eh?ko jadi ngomongin grup yah?)
ah, udah itu mulai ngomongin jepang dan nyanyi lagu J-pop yang monkey majik bareng,, kebetulan karryn bukan penggemar j-music dan ga tahu apa apa,, jadi karryn diem aja deh.. kelompok mayoritas rata rata tahu semua..>w< hebatt!!

dan ga tahu kenapa, kami jadi nyambung ke bahasan YAOI DAN YURI deh..?^^;a

karryn yang YAOI LOVER berat..langsung nyambung dan tereak ga jelas bela belain YAOI,,dan nge blame, para otaku cowok/anggota tomodachi yang cowok, satu2 nya yang sedang hadir saat itu..yang ga suka yaoi, tapi suka YURI..!!!uhh.. gimana enggak,, pokok nya ga SUKA YURII!! kata karryn..

YURI lebih indah..!!"kata otaku cowok yang satu2 nya hadir saat itu..!!

"apaan yang indah.. ??"jelas jelas..YAOI lebih kerasa romance dan keindahan nya,,weee!YURI???ga jeles gitu lohh.. yang nya yang ter-Connec* entar??..XD(kasarr amat karryn)

wehh. adek2 yang ga suka yaoi dan yuri,,langsung ber=HOEK hoek ria dengerin nya~

"apaan?suka yaoi bangga pula//"kata nya

"YAEYA LAH..."kerennn~

suka yuri bangga pula  hoeekkk...

huuu.. yuri indahh tahu..??(karryn ikutan ber`hoek ria..)

dan ga tahu karyn nyambung2 ngomongin..KURAPIKA!!

MY FIRST LOVE!! KURAPIKA!!"Karryn tereak tereak

apa??kurapika cewek??karryn senpai suka cewekk??kata anggota yang lain??

"eh??apa nya yang cewekk?? KURAPIKA??? dia itu COWOK TULEN tahu!!"karryn bela belain diri

kurapika itu cewekk.. coba liat pas episode pas leorio nya mandi , kurapika langsung mukulin leorio!!itu gara gara dia itu cewekk.."anggota lain jelasin ke karrryn

"hehe??nggalk mahh...itu gara gara kurapika takut si leorionya BER-YAOI-AN sama si kurapika tahu!!jadi kurapika nya jaga jaga diri dong..>3<
"karryn tetap bela diri

heeee... karryn ternyata suka cewekk...YUriii.."kata otaku cowok yang satu satu nya hadir disitu

ha??so ry mah,, ane GA SUKA YURI!!! karryn kan cewek tulen.. and normal nya cuman SUKA YAOI ~!

"huh??  pookok nya kurapika itu cewok...!!cuman muka nya aja bishounen..huh..~!

"badan nya shoujo karryn senpai"kata anggota lain nyambung"

"hah?? pokok  nya cowok!~


uwaaaa....kalo gitu ga mungkin kan karryn suka ama cewekk?? GA mungkin!!!!!!
lagian asal usul nama"KURAPIKARRYN yang melahir kan nama"KARRYN" itu karena kecintaan karryn yang amat mendalam ama kurapika, selain itu ,kurapika juga perna digosipin ama neon,,,,ato liat ga pas kurapika belajar NEN Yang pas kurapika nya ga pake baju sama sekali lagi dililit ama rantai..itu.. liat sendiari kan .. badan naya aja badan cowok,,ga ada DAd* nya kan??

kalo gitu kita tanyaain aja sama yang buat manga nya gimana??

oke.. entar karryn cari bukti nya..huh//

dan setelah itu karryn ber kesal kesal ria pas rapat TOMODAcHI nya bubar, dan karryn ngelanjutinn buat rapat kelas buat study tour,karryn nanya ama temen karryn yang pernah nonton HUNTER X HUNTER,


APAAN!!!jelas jelas kurapika itu cowok..

nih bukti nya!!!karryn liat di web yang mempertanyakan GENDER KURAPIKA!!

  • "     Kurapika is a boy! I know, I was hoping Kurapika is a girl too T,T It'd be much cooler to have one girl in a group of boys (Killua, Gon and Leorio) but then, the mangaka/creator Yoshiro Togashi already stated and confirmed that Kurapika is a BOY! He really love doing this stuff eh? In his previous work Yuyu Hakusho he made the character Kurama look likes a girl too... Anyway if you want to read more about Kurapika,

    I wanted to give you a link of Hunter X Hunter official website where the creator comfirmed the gender of Kurapika but since they're on hiatus the website was not available. Do you read the manga? Damn! They're going for another hiatus again! It's 3 times already, THREE TIMES! The last volume I bought is Volume 24 and that was after I waited for 2 years for it to come out! They've released Vol 25 in Japan but haven't released it on my country.

    About your comment, I think you're referring to Hunter X Hunter Volume 14? At first when I bought the volume I thought he is a she too since they didn't showed 'his' whole body! I realized I was wrong a year later after found out about his gender on HxH official site. T,T…

    What make me even more curious though, inside the volume Yoshiro Togashi re-draw the same drawing like the cover. However he drew Kurapika with a T shirt on unlike the cover version which didn't have any clothes on.. Damn, the creator really love to played with our mind XD"
.. pokok nya karryn udah dapat keyakinan yang amat sangat membuat diri karryn amat YAKIN kalo kura pika itu COWOK!!!1

lagian si mangaka nya aja bialang kayak gitu sendiri ko..karryn udah ngecek di official web nya^^> hemmm..
di manga lainyang mangakanya buat juga ada karakter keren yang kayak cewek tapi dia bener bener cowok loh!!!!kayak di YUYU HAKUSHO..huehh

gitu aja dehh..^^

sebelum nya karenna beberepa hari lagi BULAN PUASA

KARRYN MO NGUCAPIN SELAMAT MENUNAI KAN BULAN PUASA YA~!karryn janji bulan puasa ini ga bakal non ton animamanga YAOI dulu..^^huftt berat rasanya..tapi harus karryn jalan kan buat mendekatkan diri sama allah..^^..ja~!


Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Tezuka New Album released-KISS [DOWNLOAD]

Yay~! sekarang tanggal 19 july ya..ehehe.. udah masuk sekolah lagi karryn.. huftt.. ga liburan lagi..HUWEEEE..

okay okay.. langsung keintinya,karryn baru aja dapat link download nya Lagu tezuka yang baru yang judul nya KISS itu..hehehhehe...^^
sebenar nya tanggal 13 kemaren udah keluar album nya, tapi karryn musti nunggu sampai ada yang upload,dan karryn baru sempat nge net hari ini,, karena berbagai alasan ,,,XD(?)

lagu nya baru aja di upload kemaren,

silakan download disini.(mirror download)

2. KISS (original karaoke)
3. Talk Time ~Tezuka's July~
(He's a girl now. Like Fuji.)---->(XD..wkwkwkwkk..itu yang nulis uploader nya ya.bukan karryn..tapi karryn setuju ko..wkwkwk..tapi ....KENAPA NAMA FUJI IKUT-IKUTAN DIBILANG KAYAK CEWEK SIH??.~!)

tapi ,mungkin bukan tanpa alasan uploader nya ngomong gitu.. liat aja bayangan di baju nya tezu itu...>.


tapi mirip bayangan full di bagian dada nya itu sama kayak tipe yang karryn liat di Trailer MOVIE TENIPURI YANG BAKAL RELEASE BEBERAPA BULAN LAGI..

..Ja jadi.. semua karakter nya bakal dibilang cewek semua dong..(?)

aahh.. mungkin ini udah tipe gambar character nya kali ya,,lagian menurut karryn tezuka jadi tambah keren ko^^;

etoo.. karryn udah denger lagu. nya.. keren bangt.. beda kayak lagu tezuka biasa nya, (menurut karryn sih..)
roman nya dapet bgt,,>w<....ehehehehe

coba baca comen uploader nya
""KISS"! I think I heard Gene Simmons on the backtrack. I'm joking!"


gehehehe. kaloo menurut karryn lagu nya kerenn..!~entah kenapa terasa ada atmosfir nya ATOBE dalam lagu itu...habis,, ada penekanan pas tezuka nya mengucapkan kata KISS KISS KISS"! ada bagian itu mengingat kan karryn sama lagu ATOBE yang "SUKI SUKI SA"..

gahh.. roman nya terasa bangt.menurut karryn lagi sih..^^


ja..kalo gitu, jangan lupa download bagian talk time nya.. seru loh dengerin si okiayu ngomong,, suaranya so sweet!~

Tachikiri-tai new single! That group features Fuji and... I can't recall. Shiraishi? Chinen? no idea.
Akaya new single! Yey

lagu buat Another story duanya,keluar bulan agustus nanti..akhir akhir agustus katanya..^^tehee~! still waiting!

ehe,, so,,


Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011


hmm.. I have watched for the tenipuri Festa 2011 yayy~!its so so ..touched me in the last .because many seiyuu were Cry.. T_T  huwee.. but it so KAKKOI desu yo na...!~

i just need to watch Backstage again now,,^^/

ne~! i just find the other ways, and of course easier than what i did on my last post about Tenipuri festa 2011 XD

there is it!

1. download on the Syuusuke ai BLOG HERE, its very easy, just click on the Link that it gave,Of course you muct to have IDM first To dowload that Faster

here:Tenipuri Festa 2011 at Syuusuke ai

2. thank to syuusuke ai, i find the other chinese web that upload for tenipuri Festa 2011 and you can download it without Make the video to be some part like i did in last posting
   `~first you must to install IDM

   `~open it.  

  `~ then , click it "Download this video, its not will be like download in youku, IDM will Download all of the size the video.

its easier right??

3. download it on mediafire

that the folder, just need to donwload all file in there, and don't forget to JOIN the file with HJ SPLIT,
WARNING:THE FILE HAVE THE BIG SIZE,THERE IS hAVE 64 FILE THAT you MUST download, AND 1 File = 100 Mb so, the total file that must to download is 6,4 GB

JA matta ashita

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011



haey~!..this holiday is must to be full with anime and all thing that i liked yay..~
akhir nya karryn bener bener ngisi liburan karryn dengan bersenang senang wkwkwkw..

upss.. kerjaan karryn malah numpukin file dan nambah file banyak banyak!!~maksud nya karryn banyak download ga karuan..haha
yupss..belum selese karryn nonton TENIFEST 2011 yang di BUDOUKAN..^^(coz takut,kalo udah nonton entar,,karryn ga nemu hal yang seru lagi..)
yah.. jadi karryn hunting anime musim semi kemaren..kalo ga salah ANO HANA....itu anime udah tamat.. baru aja tamatt!!!
buat BlueRay nya

jumlah nya ada 11 episode..karryn penasaran ama nih anime.. cos karryn pernah liat anime ini pernah di review pas acara IMAGINATION di NHK TV,dari desain anime nya juga kayak nya kerenn..>3<

tapi karryn malah download AO NO EXORCIST Duluan,,eh,, karena belum tamat2, karryn tunda aja dulu,baru sampai episode 8,

nah.. karena karryn liat ANO HANA udah mau tamat, akhir nya karryn download juga deh..

ga nyangka 3 hari selese juga download nya,,hhehe..^_^/
klo mo download karryn download nya yang di sub indonesia
silakan download disini  moesubs
lengkap,dari yang HD,MHD,ama Blueray Disc,,(yang Blueray masih mau update^^)

klo mo liat review nya di wiki

tuh anime.bener an bikin nangis.. pokok nya pas nonton nya siapin tissue banyak banyakk..!!buat yang punya hati pasti butuh..^^;

klo pengelaman karryn sih, pas pagi sampai sore,, cerita nya karryn nontonin tenifest 2011, kerjaan karryn ya tereak tereak ria sampai gila gilaan sendiri didepan komputer,, weehh.. kerenn!!

pas malam nya, karryn pergi ke laptop, mo download lanjutan ANO HANA, ep 10 sama 11 lagi.,, nah sampai nunggu downloadtan selesai.. karryn nonton ddeh anohana ep 1 dan seterus nya,,

Jeng. jeng.. karryn masih biasa biasa aja nonton nya,..karena internet yang lagi super duper lelet.. akhir nya karryn nonton terus,,coz 1 downloadtan harus nunggu satu jam.=3= puhh..

yep.. setelah selesai download ano hana,,karryn jadi malah ketagihan buat melanjutin nonton ANOHANA,

dan sebalik nya, karena pengen nonton anohana,, akhir nya karryn download lanjutan anime SEKAICHI HATSUKOI deh..^^;yang tinggal 2 episode lagi.
udah itu.. pas mulai nonton ep 9,10,

mulai dah..airmata karryn bercucurann,,,huweee.T_T
tapi nangis nya karryn musti tahan tahan biar, ga kedengaran ama orang rumah,,#Bisa malu karryn entar

dan puncak nya yang buat karryn beneran nangis tersedu sedu adalah episode terakhir!!!episode 11..^^

GILAAA.. bener!!!ga tanggung tangung karryn nangis nya..hiks hiks..padahal tadi pagi karyn baru aja bersuka cita karena nonton TENIFEST 2011,eh.. malam nya harus Berduka Cita gara gara nonton nih anime..hiks..

pokok nya nonton aja nih anime yah..!!!karryn recomendasikan buat yang suka ama anime yang cerita nya ringan tapi menyentuh!!ini anime yang cocok buat kalian..!!

haha,, moesubs ngelawak


lusu rasa nya liat nih gambar..^^judul nya itu..duh.. karryn ngakak, baca nya..

buat character nya

Jinta "Jintan" Yadomi (宿海 仁太 Yadomi Jinta?)
Voiced by: Miyu Irino / Mutsumi Tamura (Childhood)
As a child, Jinta was the de facto leader of the self-proclaimed Super Peace Busters. Jinta was energetic and outgoing during his childhood, but has become withdrawn and isolated due to the deaths of Meiko and his mother. After Meiko's death in an accident, the group of friends drifted apart, and Jinta eventually became a hikikomori, refusing to go to school and confining himself to his home. As a child, he was in love with Meiko but refused to admit it when asked. This started the chain of events that led to her accidental death. He believes that the Meiko that appears to him is not a ghost, but rather a manifestation of his stress, calling her "the beast of summer". Nonetheless, Meiko's appearance encourages him to venture outside and reconnect with the members of the Super Peace Busters.
Meiko "Menma" Honma (本間 芽衣子 Honma Meiko?)
Voiced by: Ai Kayano
Meiko died in an accident as a child, but appears before Jinta on a summer day. Although she is aware of her death, Meiko is talkative and lively. She greatly values the childhood memories and friendship she once shared with the others, and has very few memories other than recollections of her friends and family, including that she had once made a request to Jinta. When she appears to Jinta, she has aged somewhat, but still retains childlike speech patterns and tendencies. She is also clothed in the dress she had worn the day that she died. Though only Jinta has the ability to see or hear her, Meiko appears to be able to interact with the world around her: opening doors, cooking food, eating, and even playing video games, with many of these activities shown in scenes without Jinta present. Characters that she embraces often feel that the air is heavier. She held Jinta in special regard when she was alive and still worries about his current state. The others call her by her childhood nickname 'Menma', and she similarly refers to the Super Peace Busters by their childhood nicknames. She is of mixed Russian and Japanese ancestry.
Naruko "Anaru" Anjō (安城 鳴子 Anjō Naruko?)
Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu
A childhood friend of Jinta and Meiko. Naruko displays a cold attitude towards Jinta, especially while in front of her friends, but is secretly worried about his wellbeing. Naruko is described as a person easily influenced by others, hanging out with and playing along with the actions of other girls around her even when she doesn't agree with them. She had admired Meiko, and strove to be like her when they were children, though she was simultaneously jealous of her relationship with Jinta. She attends the same high school as Jinta and is closest to him at the start of the series, even dropping off homework for him while he refuses to attend class. She tells him that she is disappointed by his current lifestyle, but still shows lingering feelings, even painting her nails before she goes to see him. Atsumu states that both of them were left behind and trapped by their unrequited feelings for Jinta and Meiko.
Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki (松雪 集 Matsuyuki Atsumu?)
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai / Asami Seto (Childhood)
A childhood friend of Jinta and Meiko. In the present, Atsumu holds a condescending and hateful attitude towards Jinta. He becomes agitated whenever Meiko is mentioned and tries to hide that he is still distraught over her death. He and Chiriko attend the same elite high school, which Jinta was unable to enter due to failing the entrance exams. Atsumu is handsome, athletic, and popular, but still trapped by the memory of Meiko, keeping a white sundress similar to hers in his closet. He claimed that he could also see Meiko's spirit, and even spoke on her behalf, but this 'ghost' turned out to be Atsumu himself, who would wander the forests at night dressed in a wig and the white sundress. He took blame for Meiko's death, as he'd confessed feelings to her on the day of her accident, and says that he is the one that should be haunted by Meiko's ghost because of this. Although he stops crossdressing after he is caught, he is still tormented by the idea of Meiko's spirit appearing only to Jinta. Atsumu confides in Naruko on how they are both left behind by their unrequited feelings for Jinta and Meiko, saying that they are kindred spirits. Atsumu has a dark, manipulative side driven by both his affection for Meiko and his inferiority complex from childhood. According to Chiriko, he is 181 cm tall and weighs 68 kg.
Chiriko "Tsuruko" Tsurumi (鶴見 知利子 Tsurumi Chiriko?)
Voiced by: Saori Hayami
A childhood friend of Jinta and Meiko. Chiriko is the quiet observer of the group and has an extremely serious and logical personality. She and Atsumu are the only two that remain close friends as the years pass and attend the same elite high school. The two are seen together so often that they are mistaken for lovers by their classmates and a shopkeeper. It is implied that she has unrequited feelings for Atsumu, as she shows contempt whenever she sees that he has not gotten over Meiko's death. She keeps the hairpin Atsumu threw away after being rejected by Meiko, even wearing it when alone. At times, she is the voice of reason for Atsumu and watches over him. She knew of the amount of guilt he felt for Meiko's death and suspected that he was crossdressing. Like Atsumu, she can be critical of others, and she scolds Naruko for her habit of following others. She often sketches while idle, drawing Meiko and even doodling Yukiatsu wearing Meiko's sundress. When Meiko proves her existence to everyone, Chiriko still feels indifferent, doubting what Meiko's intentions are or if she has really forgiven everyone. She later admits to Naruko that she is in love with Yukiatsu, but thinks that he will never love her back. Chiriko feels that he is irreplaceable to her, thus she aids the effort to have Meiko achieve nirvana.
Tetsudō "Poppo" Hisakawa (久川 鉄道 Hisakawa Tetsudō?)
Voiced by: Takayuki Kondō / Aki Toyosaki (Childhood)
A childhood friend of Jinta and Meiko. During their childhood, he had great admiration for Jinta and frequently called him 'amazing' or 'cool'. He admits that he was always grateful to the group for including him as he was an awkward child. He is a world traveler that earns money by taking various part-time jobs and lives in the old secret base when not abroad. Tetsudo is worldly and mellow, he is eager to see the Super Peace Busters get back together. He fully believed that Jinta could see and talk to Meiko even before she managed to prove to the others that she is real. He is the first to directly tell Meiko that he will fulfill her wish and help her spirit pass on. When the group fights, he usually is the one that takes initiative to smooth things out.
lagu ending sama opening nya juga mendukung bgt..>.<,,karryn suka banget,.!!
mo download lagu nya di
ughh.. keren bangt.. tiap karryn ingat nih anime..pasti kebawa sedih deh...
okay.. udah dulu,,segitu aja dari karryn
JA matta ashita ne~!